There are so many different ways to make a family. Some are big and some are small. Some live in different houses, some in different countries. Some were created by blending two families, different generations, or with help from a donor, surrogate, or adoption.
My Perfect Family is a beautifully illustrated children's book showing every family is perfect, just the way they are!
My Perfect Family book helps your children understand that it doesn't matter how a family is created, all children are the same.
This book will help raise awareness, bring inclusion and provide understanding to all different types of families. Born from a solo mum who had her daughter using a sperm donor, this book will help normalise the language associated with donor conception/surrogacy/adoption from an early age without resorting to difficult conversations or scientific explanations.
Key families represented in the book:
Through carefully thought-out diversity and inclusiveness, this book aims for all children to be represented by one, or a combination, of the families within the book.
Each full page spread introduces the reader to a new child, details their family and then focuses on what the child loves to do. It shows children have similar passions and likes, such as trampolines and dancing, no matter how their family is created.
Sophia who lives with her Nonno and Nonna.
A double-page family tree is followed by space for 31 relatives. Each page captures their name, date of birth, relationship, and any key memories or details you want to capture, as well as space for a photo.
Create the recipe book together with your children, and then they can use those same recipes with their own children in years to come. What a special experience to create delicious food and remember all the wonderful times you had together as a family.
My Perfect Family has been translated into American English and German, with more versions to come. These are available from Amazon globally.
After a very long journey I was blessed to finally become a mum 6 weeks before my 40th birthday, thanks to the generosity of a sperm donor.
I created this book to help build understanding of our family and bring normality to the language associated with donor conception. I wanted to show my daughter that all families are different and it doesn't matter what your family looks like, as all families are perfect just the way they are.
I saw this as an opportunity to bring awareness and understanding for all families, especially those created via non "traditional" methods such as donor conception, surrogacy and adoption,